Recognizing risks and preventing fraud.
Fraud can be extremely detrimental to a casino’s financial good standing and reputation. Pinpointing problem areas that could benefit from protection is the best means of fraud prevention.
The certified fraud investigation professionals at Wipfli take a skilled approach to a forensic audit by executing a deliberate series of crucial steps resulting in the successful uncovering of actions while identifying possible perpetrators. In the event that fraudulent activity is discovered, we’ll help you determine how that activity went undetected, discover what impact it had (and may continue to have) on your business, identify guilty parties and calculate the extent of assets that are missing.
For embezzlement cases, misappropriation of assets, forgery, suspicious claims, false statements and other unscrupulous activities, we’re diligent about gathering the facts and implementing the proper internal controls for future fraud prevention. Whether internal or external, Wipfli examiners get to the origin of the problem.
Our team
Grant Eve, CPA, CFE
Grant Eve is a partner specializing in gaming and hospitality. He has several years of experience working with tribal gaming organizations and commercial casinos throughout multiple jurisdictions. A recognized leader in the gaming industry, Grant has authored numerous articles and interviewed in many industry publications, including Indian Gaming magazine, Global Gaming Business Magazine and Casino Enterprise Management Magazine. He has also testified before the United States Senate’s Committee on Indian Affairs regarding gaming-related issues. Grant is a sought-after presenter and frequently conducts seminars and training related to the gaming industry.