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Window into Wipfli

How we think about healthcare at Wipfli

By Maureen Pistone

You may not know this about me, but I worked in the healthcare industry before I picked up the CHRO hat at Wipfli. There’s something about working within the walls of a healthcare system that makes advice like, “Get that checked,” or “Ask your doctor,” far more pertinent and credible.

Through that experience, I developed a passion for quality health outcomes driven by preventive care and chronic condition management.

And yet, I know we’re all so busy. Too busy for an annual appointment with a physician when everything seems fine. Or to see a dentist twice a year just because you should. But believe me, you should.

The National Institutes of Health estimates that only 8% of Americans undergo routine preventive screenings. Meanwhile, many of the conditions that stop us from living long, productive and happy lives are either preventable or treatable — if only we take the time.

To appeal to my data-savvy friends and colleagues: We all know medical costs are trending up. In 2024, the per capita cost of prescriptions and healthcare services is expected to increase by 7% because of inflation, consolidation, drug costs and other factors.

None of us are immune to the threat of chronic conditions. Taking care of ourselves not only impacts healthcare costs, it also impacts our quality of life and our well-being. Research also shows that more than 80% of healthcare costs are related to having one or more chronic conditions.

And at Wipfli, we are no different, and many of these conditions impact a new group of colleagues each year.

We think there’s another way to spend our healthcare budget. If we help associates care for chronic conditions and proactively address their health and well-being, we can bend that 7% trend for associates and the firm. Prevention pays off for everyone.

Every benefits season, we try to introduce new features and options to help associates proactively manage their health. Nearly two-thirds of our associates work hybrid or remotely. We have associates in nearly every state, with many living in rural communities where access to cost-effective, timely care can be a challenge. 

So, we’re introducing more virtual benefits to help associates incorporate well-being into their normal routines. Soon, they’ll have the option to test at home for colon and cervical cancers and be able to have an expanded primary care provider relationship through telehealth.

We are excited to offer three new solutions at Wipfli starting in January 2024:

  • Let'sGetChecked: Home screening for prediabetes, colon cancer and cervical cancer 
  • 9amHealth: Condition coordination services for diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia 
  • Teladoc 360: Virtual primary care physician services beyond typical virtual acute care visits

These solutions will meet our associate’s needs for choice and flexibility around how they access care. We are investing in these options to help bring care to where it is needed now, in a convenient and desirable way.

In addition, associates have access to a multitude of well-being resources.

Nutrition education, mindfulness training, physical fitness and mental well-being support will continue through our Virgin Pulse well-being platform.

Our Women of Wipfli business resource group hosted well-being events focused on menopause during the month of October. And our associates will lace up their sneakers for the next firmwide well-being challenge as teams “step around the world” while learning about the cultures and histories of the virtual destinations.

As we head toward a notoriously busy season, both professionally and personally, please pause and create a plan to take care of yourself. Own your own health and tap into the resources you have. What could be more important for living your best life for you and your family?


Maureen Pistone

Maureen Pistone
Partner, Chief Human Resources Officer

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