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Gain a Competitive Edge With a Tech-Savvy Finance Team

Brent Neitz
May 08, 2019

The pressure is on. With new technologies, increasing domestic and global competition, and disruptors able to move more quickly than ever, CFOs are expected to develop a strategy and hire the right people to execute. Decision makers are relying on tech-savvy CFOs to strategize for the future, uncover new business opportunities and save money. Embracing this new technology will transform your role as a tech-savvy CFO, and — ultimately — your business.

In this webinar, you will learn how to build your tech-savvy finance team by:

  • Bettering your organization with the acceleration of processes.
  • Avoiding inaccurate data, manual tasks and lengthy turnaround times.
  • Empowering your employees with greater visibility into real-time business performance.
  • Expanding lines of communication and harnessing the power of the team.

Learn how to improve financial reporting, enhance security and provide better decision-making.


Brent Neitz
Shereen Mahoney
CPA, Partner


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