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IT leadership roundtable, May 2023

Mark Scholl
May 11, 2023

Our IT leadership roundtables provide an opportunity for you to learn the latest trends and hot topics in the IT industry. We hold webinars quarterly, and they consist of a primary “hot topic” presentation, solution highlight and a Q&A discussion. Each meeting lasts approximately 90 minutes and is facilitated by our IT specialists.

In this webinar we covered:

This webinar was designed for:

senior management, compliance officers, IT management, information security officers, IT auditors and operations managers


  • Vasha Ramaraj


Mark Scholl
Illinois Market Leader
Anna Kooi
CPA, National Financial Services Industry Leader, Partner
Joel R. Lego
CISSP, Master Consultant
David T. Rich
Master Consultant
Thomas J. Loring
CISA, Partner
Sara Circosta
Manager, Business Development


7 challenges that drive ERP modernization in healthcare
A practical guide for healthcare ERP adoption
Navigating AML/CFT risk assessments