Our team has more than 40 years of experience working with Head Start/Early Head Start programs.
Our specialized knowledge means your training is focused precisely on Head Start/Early Head start. And we don’t just recite regulations; our training blends deep explanations, technical assistance, best practices and action planning.
Popular topics include:
- Accounting and audit
- Administrative limitations
- Cost allocation
- Monitoring protocols
- Program guidance
On-demand training series
Our annual training subscription gives you unlimited access to our training on the topics you ask about the most.
In-Kind series
Every year generating allowable in-kind has become harder and harder for Head Start/Early Head Start (HS/EHS) programs. In recent years, there has been more scrutiny and critiques from reviewers, leading to disallowed in-kind.
Our series helps organizations learn and understand the:
- Basics of in-kind requirements
- Different types of in-kind, including tips on how to generate more in-kind
- Specifics of in-kind policy clarifications and the common pitfalls to avoid that pertain to in-kind
- Impact of Uniform Guidance (45 CFR Part 75)
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ERSEA series
Our on-demand, micro-learning series on Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance gives you the information you need in short sessions (3-16 minutes). These sessions will keep you current on the latest regulations. Your subscription includes an hourlong live session once a quarter where you can ask and get answers to your questions.
Our micro-webcasts last from 3 to 16 minutes and covers attendance, age, eligibility, enrollment, recruitment, selection and verification requirements. They also cover:
- Aligned Monitoring System 2.0 – Focus Area 1
- Aligned Monitoring System 2.0 – Focus Area 2
- Community assessments
- Definitions
- Fees
- Records
- Regulation Structure
- Training
- Violations
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Board governance
Our board governance series is broken into six easy-to-view sessions each lasting 30-45 minutes – the perfect length to provide training during a regularly scheduled board meeting but still have time to get other important organization business accomplished.
Your annual training subscription includes the following sessions:
- Two-part board governance overview
- Head Start/Early Head Start topics
- Risk management
- Advice for choosing an auditor
- Reviewing financial statements
Virtual training series
HS and EHS are some of the largest federally funded programs. The Head Start Act and the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) contain pages and pages of guidelines that HS/EHS programs need to follow to stay in compliance. The goal is to help you get comfortable with what HS/EHS programs need to follow to stay in compliance.
HS/EHS online boot camp
Our 10.5 hour online boot camp explores the Head Start Act and gives you time to learn where to find information, dig into the details and ask our team questions. And since the Head Start Act goes hand-in-hand with the HSPPS, we will explore the highlights of all of the HSPPS (45 CFR Parts 1301-1305).
Our trainers pay special attention to the following areas:
- Definitions (They sometimes differ depending on the regulation.)
- Administrative requirements (administrative limitations, spending of federal funds, nonfederal match)
- Power and functions (governing body, policy council, policy committees, administrative reports)
- ERSEA (eligibility, recruitment, selection, enrollment, attendance)
- Records (what to keep, how to keep them and for how long)
- Qualifications and wages (background check, minimum staff requirements)
Uniform Guidance training
Our Uniform Guidance training team can help you meet federal grant regulations relating to financial management and administration.
Our team has the experience to keep you compliant and the curiosity to help you meet changing regulations. Our Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards) doesn’t just recite the regulations.
Our training blends deep explanations, technical assistance, best practices and action planning.
- Popular topics include:
- Administrative guidelines
- Allowable and unallowable costs
- Audit requirements
- Cost allocation (direct, approved indirect cost rates, and DeMinimis rates)
- Procurement
- Selected items of cost
Custom training
Our team can craft unique training experiences for your team.
Our national conference
For more than 20 years, our team packs more than 40 session in three days at our premier training event, our National Conference. Come join us as we:
- Address the new landscape of challenges and outcomes required by your community, funding sources and donors
- Share stories and solutions with a community of others navigating similar issues
- Choose from our largest-ever offering of CPE education