HAF Equipment chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to improve visibility and growth — but its transition fell short of expectations. The company turned to Wipfli to streamline processes and get the training employees needed to truly adopt the new system.
Because the original implementation team created workarounds to match HAF Equipment’s manual processes, the system had become vulnerable and ineffective. A scheduled Microsoft update even caused a full day of downtime. Plus, it took 4-8 hours of data manipulation to cost a large capital project. As a startup, HAF Equipment needed a partner that could learn its way of doing business and bring in new ideas and recommendations.
Wipfli trained HAF Equipment to use the software and advised staff on how to change business processes to work seamlessly within Business Central. Wipfli also introduced new features and functionality that eliminated manual processes and made it easier for HAF Equipment to build jobs, make purchases and create invoices. Leaders said the difference was “night and day.”
Wipfli gave us options. ... They explained why things do or don’t work a certain way and helped us change business processes to work seamlessly.
Working with Wipfli led to more robust business practices, greater visibility into transactions, and better project management. Now, design and production engineers can stay involved in the whole business cycle, from processing through shipment. And the next Microsoft update was seamless for HAF Equipment employees. Wipfli detailed the changes in advance, and a HAF Equipment analyst previewed and tested the updates in a sandbox environment.