3 high-profile manufacturers that are going green

At its core, green manufacturing is about sustainability. It’s about finding ways to use fewer natural resources, reduce waste, mitigate emissions, and recycle or reuse materials.
While sustainable practices are better for the environment, the business benefits of green manufacturing are also clear.
Green manufacturing practices can increase operational efficiency, decrease overhead and reduce downtime. They improve employee morale. They can even strengthen your brand, build public trust and give you a competitive advantage.
Manufacturers must evaluate their practices and how they can improve sustainability. When they do, they’ll discover that green manufacturing delivers multiple returns.
Green manufacturing examples
Need proof that green manufacturing can become a business advantage? Let’s look at some sustainable manufacturing examples. These high-profile manufacturers are leveraging green practices:
1. Dell and HP
Dell and HP lead the way in computer manufacturing when it comes to recycling and reusing. They both limit environmental impact by allowing customers to turn in old computers, printers and cartridges for recycling. In fact, HP has recycled more than 875 million ink and toner cartridges.
HP has also used more than 4.7 billion recycled plastic bottles and 114 million plastic clothes hangers to manufacture its new HP ink and toner cartridges.
More sustainable manufacturing practices are in the works, too. Dell committed to making 100% of its packaging and 50% of its products from recycled or renewable material by 2030.
2. Honda
Honda has an impressive commitment to sustainability. Its “Green Path” is designed to reduce or eliminate the use of substances of concern and scarce natural resources.
Honda is developing products that are easier to recycle, and it’s reducing water waste and CO2 emissions in the manufacturing process. For example, Honda uses wind turbines at its Ohio plant to generate 10,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year.
It also moves 80% of vehicles from plant to dealership by train, which has reduced CO2 emissions by over 60%. It developed a Honda Environmental Leadership Program to help dealers reduce energy and water usage, and it’s achieving electric-grid neutral status with solar panels.
In addition, Honda is manufacturing hybrid and zero-emission electric vehicles, which have lower environmental impacts.
3. S.C. Johnson
S.C. Johnson takes waste-reduction seriously. In 2000, it started to reduce manufacturing waste from its global facilities. The goal was to cut waste by 70% by 2016 — a goal it reached three years early.
Likewise, its goal to stop sending waste to landfills by 2021 was actually achieved at the close of 2018/19.
S.C. Johnson developed a Greenlist system to rate the environmental and health effects of the ingredients used in its products. The Greenlist prompted it to reformulate many of its products. For example, the company eliminated the use of nearly 4 million pounds of PVDC annually after its review of Saran Wrap. It also reduced 1.8 million pounds of volatile organic compounds from Windex.
How to adopt more sustainable manufacturing practices
Manufacturers shouldn’t see pressure to make their operations greener as a burden. Rather, sustainability is an opportunity, and striving for it will help ensure their long-term success.
Many new technologies fall into the green manufacturing category, including lean systems to reduce waste, renewable energy sources and product life cycle management systems. Often, green manufacturing methods can help you solve other business problems on your to-tackle list.
How Wipfli can help
Green manufacturing is a viable way to sustain the environment and your business. By pursuing sustainable manufacturing practices, you can find strategies to protect the business and save costs over the longer term. Connect with Wipfli to get started.
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